Tell Your Mama The Vespers Mp3 Download UPDATED

Tell Your Mama The Vespers Mp3 Download

The Vespers

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Infectious and unique songs are the trademark sound of The Vespers, a Folk/Popular/Americana foursome consisting of 2 brothers and 2 sisters from Nashville. The band is built around the 11 instruments they travel with, the wailing harmonies of the sisters, and the wild energy of their live performances. LTTM spoke to the band to find out the full story - and we besides bring y'all a free song download from their new album 'The Fourth Wall'.

For those who haven't heard of you before, tin can y'all tell u.s. a little bit about yourselves and how you lot got involved in making music?

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Infectious and unique songs are the trademark audio of The Vespers, a Folk/Pop/Americana foursome consisting of ii brothers and 2 sisters from Nashville. The band is built around the 11 instruments they travel with, the wailing harmonies of the sisters, and the wild energy of their live performances. LTTM spoke to the ring to find out the full story - and we also bring you a costless vocal download from their new album 'The Fourth Wall'.

For those who haven't heard of you before, can yous tell u.s. a little bit about yourselves and how you got involved in making music?

Well, we are a sibling band in that the girls are sisters & the guys are brothers & we both had fathers that were musicians and had guitars laying around our houses, so inevitably, we were affected past that somehow. It was dissimilar for the girls & guys. I can just speak for the the guys. Our dad never pushed u.s. to be musicians; at times, they even recommended anything but, but however, he taught us what he knew over the years. From there, the performance/playing/writing addiction took concur of each of us, and nosotros defended more & more time to it from in that location. The remainder is history, I suppose.

What's it like having two brothers and ii sisters in a band together?

It has its advantages and disadvantages. Mostly advantages. Information technology's great that we basically have two parties in our band and no more. We're always ane telephone call away from being together to accomplish whatever we have to do, rather than several calls. The girls live at home & and then do the guys so information technology's pretty easy to communicate with only those two agendas to be worked out. Also, nosotros just know one another so well that nosotros can do things musically that other groups tin't practise as easily, such every bit harmonize tightly for the girls & lock in rhythmically for the boys. It's similar we both know what the other is thinking or intending to happen without having to recall virtually it much. It's only naturally there.

Free Song Download

LTTM brings you a free download of 'Better Now' from The Vespers' new anthology 'The 4th Wall'.

Song download courtesy of The Vespers
and Mixtus Media.
Used with permission.

Tell us a little chip about your new album 'The Fourth Wall' and what the inspiration behind it was?

The songs on "The Fourth Wall" were all songs that we wrote every bit we learned how to play & alive on the road for the outset time. Nosotros're all notwithstanding pretty young (19-22) so most of the road lifestyle was new to all of us. Songwriting wise, nosotros simply chose the songs that we wrote that nosotros felt similar we're going over with audiences the nearly & tried to communicate the energy of our live performances. Several of the songs on the record are testimonials or simply ballads that accept to do with our ongoing relationship with Jesus Christ & what goes into that beingness musicians. We wanted an honest reflection of who we were at this time in our careers & lives to document for the futurity.

Which is your favourite track on the album and why?

Each member has a a different opinion, I suppose, & I can't speak for them, but my favorite is 'Better Now'. The reason is that it was the terminal affair we wrote for the anthology & I retrieve it reflects where we are going now, moving forrard equally songwriters. I call up it'due south a glimpse into what our 3rd album will sound like and that's exciting to me. [Download 'Better Now', correct]

What'southward your song writing procedure?

It varies. Sometimes one of us volition come with a finished product that they have written on their ain to present to the rest of the ring and nosotros'll keep it as is & arrange it from there. Other times, one or two of us will start a chorus or verse idea and present it to the rest, and and then we'll collectively terminate it together. Any number of co-writing combinations tin can happen betwixt united states and we embrace all of them.

You seemed to take embraced the folk sound that is so popular at the moment, are you lot influenced by groups like Mumford & Sons?

No, non any Mumford fans in our group to the point of influence. When we started in 2009, the girls were actually into Atomic number 26 & Wine and the guys were actually into Led Zeppelin & nosotros but figured that if nosotros combined that two that it could exist a sound that hasn't happened yet. Simultaneously, as we progressed over the adjacent yr, Americana & Folk hit mainstream really difficult, and we were right smack in the heart of that scene due to our sound. We were thrilled & considered the timing & prevalence of the Americana resurgence a blessing.

The Vespers - Fourth Wall How would you define success in your career as a band?

Success, in my stance, would be to become as "large" (for the lack of a meliorate word) as we possibly can and still practice business honestly and independently. We don't wanna have bosses. We don't wanna "sell out" (equally cheesy every bit that sounds). We intend to honor God with the talent he has blessed u.s.a. with, as long as we can, & brand the all-time living nosotros tin for as long as nosotros tin can. Our large brusk term goal is to be able to sell out the Ryman Auditorium and be parked outside it on a sweetness tour bus.

What communication would y'all give to any aspiring bands out there?

My best advice would be to heed to your fans. To reach them on as many levels equally you lot can, and build real relationships with them in the early going, because those people, if you have them all across this country, will help you make your living touring and buying your stuff. The key is existent friendships & relationships. You just gotta be real & honest with the folks you see & they'll feel it and take care of you.

Yous're stuck on an island, it'southward hot, you only have enough battery life left to listen to ane song on your mp3 player. What runway is it?

Probably "Laundry Room" past the Avetts. I love that song & accept for a long time. It's one of those songs that I'm not sure totally what information technology's about and somehow it stays fresh to me because of that. Simply a corking lyric set to melody.

What does the next year hold for The Vespers?

Probably to just continue what we are doing. We wanna continue touring the cities we already have & make new friends in new territories that we oasis't played in yet, such as out due west. We also wanna grow as songwriters too, crusade that'southward the almost important role of anything we practice musically.

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Free Song Download From The Vespers New Album
Apr 02 2012

Free Song Download From The Vespers New Album

Folk/Popular/Americana foursome The Vespers are a 2 brother and 2 sisters grouping from Nashville whose ring is built around the 11 instruments they travel with, the wailing harmonies of the sisters, and the wild energy of their live…


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The 2nd album from Folk/Pop/Americana foursome The Vespers, titled 'The Fourth Wall', is released today, 3rd April 2012. The 2 brother and 2 sisters group from Nashville is built around the 11 instruments they travel with, the…


The Vespers - Fourth Wall
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The Vespers - Fourth Wall

The Vespers are my new favorite band, which is something I don't say very often. Yes they are what I look for in a band. A band who are artistic, different and interesting. They are creative musically and take great vocals…


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